tisdag 27 juli 2010

Monday: Junibacken!

On Monday all of us took a trip to Junibacken, a childrens museum dedicated to the work of Astrid Lindgren. When I write 'all of us' I meant not just Jim, Karin, and Daniel, but most of the children in the greater Stockholm area. We were literally crawling over kids to get from one end to the other. But Daniel loved it. His favorite was Villa Villekulle, the home of Pippi Longstocking. There were many rooms to explore, upstairs and downstairs, plus a slide around the back. We even lost track of him a few times. In front of the house stood Lilla Gubben, or Little Old Man, Pippi's horse, and Daniel climbed up for a short 'ride'. Another highlight was a short tram ride that featured many scenes from Astrid Lindgren books. One book, The Brothers Lionheart, tells the story of two brothers that fight a dragon, and when the dragon showed up later during the ride, Daniel got a little frightened. The first thing he did when he got off the ride was to warn the tram attendant that there was a fire-breathing dragon back there, probably thinking that she might be able to take care of that particular problem.

There were other parts of Junibacken that featured characters from other authors, including some of Daniel's other favorites like Mumin, Mamma Muu, and Pettson and Findus. All that, plus an ice cream cone, made it a great fun day.

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